Boost Your Creativity

Awaken the Artist Within

Innovation begins with opening up to creative possibilities.

The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers. – Arthur Koestler

We are all creative. Those who can tap the source and think like an artist are more innovative and better problem solvers.

What is creativity anyway? Ask ten experts and you might get ten different answers. But there’s no doubt that creative people look at the same thing in a different way, with a different attitude. They adapt old ideas or use two or more existing ideas in new combinations by disregarding routine patterns and ignoring limits. The creative person has the edge.

To function most effectively in our challenging, fast-changing world, a creative mind is a necessity. So how do you tap it, strengthen it, and most importantly, as I write in my book, how do you apply it when it counts? In this workshop, you’ll learn proven strategies to think like an artist and enhance the creative power you already have within.

You’ll be better equipped to generate ideas and solve problems and you’ll know what to do if you get stuck in a rut. Are you ready to open new frontiers?