character development, social and emotional learning for elementary school-aged children
Follow the adventures of brother and sister team, Daniel and Posey, as they solve problems and choose the “right” thing to do. The stories demonstrate rather than “tell” kids how to act. And the exercises and projects suggested in the workbook portion reinforce their learning.
Excellent for reading and discussing in groups with teachers or parents or kids can read these on their own.
“Kid-tested” for 6 – 10 year olds. Approved by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools’ curriculum committee for elementary students. Workshops on these topics are conducted regularly at elementary schools throughout the county.
Stuck in a rut? Boosting your Creativity Quotient (CQ) can help you escape routine patterns of thinking and ignore limits. Creative problem solving leads to innovation and progress in both personally and professionally. This book includes proven strategies designed to inspire you and to enhance your creativity in all aspects of your life.
Here is an excerpt from the beginning of the book.
Gazing dreamily out the window, a loud, deep voice startled me. “Adele, what are you doing?” he asked.
“Dreaming,” I said.
“Dreaming?” he repeated as if questioning my answer. “This is no place to dream.”
“Yes, it is,” I thought to myself. “Yes, yes, this is definitely the place to dream. After all, I’m in an college art class.”
It took every bit of restraint to stop myself from asking my professor where else but in an art class should I dream. If If we don’t allow for ourselves to let our minds wander freely we stifle creativity and innovation. Where do our great ideas come from anyway?
Do you freeze, get nervous, or have physical symptoms before an exam? Test taking skills and guided visualization can help you overcome that anxiety and pass your exams with flying colors. Not just for school. Helps with exams for work, licenses, or various tests necessary for your career. Biofeedback option available.
How to make presentations that will wow them. It’s okay to have “nerves” but it’s not okay to be paralyzed by them. Learn to control them and be more relaxed in front of an audience. Biofeedback option available.
Combining artistic images with life wisdom and inspiring messages.
Reflections designed with and for YOU!
Two options: Without words or an accordion fold art book customized just for you with the messages you want for meditation, healing, and wholeness. The background is pictured below.
Exquisite close-up florals and foliage and mesmerizing underwater secrets.
Nature heals. Enjoy the photographs of the stunning sights we enjoyed together.
Paintings, collages, glass, monoprints, pastels, mixed media art. A colorful assortment of artwork to inspire and delight.
Choose which part you want to listen to:
Reflections designed with and for YOU!
Program yourself to be the healthiest and best version of YOU! Healing words and guided visualization designed to promote healing and release pain and discomfort.
Recorded guided meditation and visualization. You tell me what you want. I’ll make suggestions and then write and record it especially for you. We can design it to include hypnotic imagery, healing words, help you break a habit and create a healthier one, enhance creativity, heal old wounds, inspire you to reach your goals, etc.
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