Inspirational Art That Transports
You to a New Dimension

Artwork – COMING SOON: paintings, collages, photographs, monoprints, etc. with and without motivational messages.

For Art Books, please see Books and Audio.

Inspirational Art with healing designs is used in homes, offices, healthcare facilities, hotels, spiritual centers, resorts, or any place where a centered, peaceful, and relaxed feeling is desired. Created intuitively, I take an experimental “what would happen if” approach. The images, with or without motivational messages, help to relax, renew, and reenergize.

Creating art can be a mindful, meditative experience that leads to self-discovery. It is the art of allowing energy to flow. Through my work, my hope is that you, the viewer, share in the creative process so it is as healing for you as it is for me.

In my creativity workshops, everyone has a chance to play “what would happen if” as well as practice relaxation and visualization techniques. Through art, we resonate with the feeling and connect with the core of our being where our healing energies lie. Besides physical benefits like lowering our heart and breathing rate, it can expand our awareness, and open our intuitive, creative avenues.